Many Parishioners have shared their views (at Parish Council meetings, via email, and general conversation) on how Sherborne’s grass verges should be managed throughout the year.
Some prefer to see all the verges within the 30 mph signs cut on a regular basis, whilst some are keen to see a ‘more natural look’ throughout the year. Many have complimented the recent grass trimming work conducted by the National Trust. Additionally, the National Trust has produced a short document which describes their own opinion on how particular verges could be managed and the effort they may be prepared to contribute. It is available below.
Although grass verge management (broadly speaking as there are always exceptions) is the responsibility of the County Council, it’s obvious from recent years the County Council struggle to do much beyond attending to reported road safety concerns – grass too high at junctions etc. Perhaps the answer is a combination of efforts from the County Council, Parishioners, and local landowners.
As 2025 is upon us, and before too long we will start to see the first signs of Spring, it’s timely to add a more empirical view to the debate. This short and simple to complete questionnaire is intended to provide everyone with an opportunity to share their ideas.
Copies of the questionnaire have been delivered to all Sherborne residents and copies are also available in the Village Shop. Additionally, a downloadable version is copied below, and an online version is available here – Village Grass Verge Management Research
Please have a read and return your completed questionnaire by 14 March via the returns box in the Village Shop, simply take a photo of it and email it to any Parish Councillor (Councillors – Sherborne Parish Council), or email it to
The summary report will be made available to all Sherborne Parish residents, the County Council, and relevant local landowners. Any subsequent actions/plans will be discussed at future Parish Council meetings to which all Parish residents are always welcome.
Thank you in advance for your participation.