Sherborne Parish Council has seven Councillors who stand for election every four years (last election May 2023). The Clerk is responsible for day-to-day administration including preparing meeting agendas, meeting minutes, and liaising with the District Council and other related stakeholders.

Vacancy (see description)
If you would like to contribute to the working of the Council and would like to apply for one of the positions, please email . There are ten meetings per year. Approximately two hours per meeting plus various activities/input throughout the year.
The rolling agenda for the Council covers day-to-day aspects of Parish life, including planning, roads, National Trust housing & landscape, and more recently, proposed updates to the Cotswold District Local Plan including the National Trust’s ambitions for their ‘Big Nature Big Access’ masterplan (see CDC/NT Consultation menu tab for more information).
Lots to do.
Parish Clerk

Vacancy (see description)
If you would like to contribute to the successful workings of the Parish Council, then perhaps the current vacancy may be of interest.
There are ten meetings per year. Approximately two hours per meeting plus various activities/input throughout the year. The role includes preparing and publishing meeting agendas, recording accurate meeting minutes, and liaising with related stakeholders including Cotswold District Council and Gloucestershire Highways.
It is a funded role and the current annual budget is £1,200pa.
If you would like more information, please email