In accordance with CDC’s Local Plan consultation timetable, the note below and PDF attachment, were sent to James Brain (CDC Head of Planning).

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to the Parish Council. Responses range from a couple of short paragraphs, to detailed multi-page documents. It is all very valuable and greatly appreciated.

The attached document is the collective response to Cotswold District Council (CDC). It extends to nearly 50 pages and should leave CDC and the National Trust (NT) in no doubt as to the level of community interest in what proposed Policy EN18 seeks to achieve, and of course, what the NT are proposing as part of a future NT Masterplan. Below is the covering note sent last night to James Brain (CDC Head of Planning) and copied to Andrew Danson (NT Project Manager).

In the meantime, thanks again and do please keep in touch. The CDC/NT process ahead will have its inevitable highs and lows, and will undoubtedly be sprinkled with occasional frustration. But, as we have seen over the last few weeks, our communities are passionate about the environment within which we live, work, and socialise.



7 April 2024

Good evening, James.

Please find attached Sherborne Parish Council’s feedback on proposed Local Plan Policy EN18. The document also consolidates feedback from Aldsworth, Barrington, Clapton, Farmington and Windrush Parish Councils, Sherborne Tenants’ Association of the National Trust, and 28 individual Parishioners. As you know, the Proposed Policy, and the materials prepared by the National Trust (NT), have sparked considerable interest from the respective Communities.

Sherborne Parish Council really welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback as part of the formal consultation process. At this early stage in the process, the focus is on ensuring the Criteria to be included within Policy EN18, are inclusive and robust. You will see some proposed changes to a couple of the criterion, and a new one. At the same time, it is perfectly reasonable that residents of Sherborne and neighbouring Parishes are showing their keen interest in what is being proposed by the NT.

Having reviewed the various documents published by the NT, there are many positive aspects which should be encouraged to fruition. At the same time, there are many which are unclear and as written, would potentially threaten the character and the social well-being of Sherborne’s Community, as well as our neighbours.

We have endeavoured to maximise awareness of the proposed Policy throughout Sherborne and surrounding Parishes to ensure the respective Communities are informed and understand how they can engage with the consultation process.

Many Parishioners report difficulty in using the online feedback portal, and are keen to have their thoughts included within the attached document. In the interests of privacy, full names and email addresses have been omitted. If further contact details are required, we can arrange introductions between CDC and individual contributors.

In the meantime, we would like to thank you for your coaching, your positive approach to community consultation, and your commitment to ongoing community inclusion.

Kind regards

Sherborne Parish Council