At the NT/CDC Policy EN18 briefing meeting held at the Social Club (18 March 2024), Cotswold District Council committed to convene regular Policy EN18 community consultation meetings.

Earlier this week, the Parish Council wrote to CDC asking for a progress update. A copy of the email is below.

Replies will be posted as soon as they are received.


Sent: 20 January 2025 13:10
Subject: RE: Cotswold District Council Local Plan Policy EN18 Feedback


Hello Matt and Happy New Year to you and your team. A busy year ahead I suspect.

We have been reviewing CDC’s consultation summary document (attached for reference).

Although the seven plus five paragraphs capture the issues, we would be grateful if the document would explicitly reference the comprehensive feedback document we provided, in association with our neighbouring Parishes, and the many more individual Parishioner representations included within the document. We feel the current edition of the CDC’s document (28 plus six individual contributions) underplays the breadth and depth of community feedback received by CDC. We have attached the document for your reference. There are over 40 individual responses in addition to the inputs received from each Parish Council.

We feel it is important for the Local Plan development process to fully represent the scale of interest expressed by the community and would kindly ask that you update your document accordingly.

In the meantime, we continue to chase the National Trust regarding Masterplan consultation. This was a key outcome of the public meeting (18 March attended by James) during which the National Trust committed to joining a multi-stakeholder working group to consider the content of a future Masterplan and consult with the community on its content. In turn, this group would feed into the main CDC EN18 working group (another 18 March commitment). Two separate groups to consider different (but related of course) aspects.

In the meantime, are you able to estimate when a first meeting of the CDC EN18 working group might be held?

Kind regards

Stephen Challis