In August 2012, Windrush Parish Council and Sherborne Parish Council engaged the services of the Rural Housing Enabler to carry out a joint local Housing Needs Survey of both parishes.

The Rural Housing Enabler (RHE):

  • is employed by Gloucestershire Rural Community Council, which is part of the national network of Rural Community Councils (ACRE – Action with Communities in Rural England).
  • works closely with rural communities, housing associations, local authorities, other community organisations (including community land trusts) and landowners to meet the affordable housing needs of rural communities.
  • is an independent advisor, although, the post is funded through contributions from Cotswold District Council, Forest of Dean District Council, Stroud District Council, Cotswold District Council and seven housing associations.


The purpose of the survey was to investigate and establish the affordable housing needs of people who live in or have close ties to Windrush & Sherborne. By comparing the established needs with the existing supply of affordable housing and the number of re-lets, we (RHE) estimated the number of dwellings, house types and tenure of new units required to meet Parish needs.

The aim of the survey was to provide Windrush & Sherborne with an independent report, of a robust nature based on evidence from reliable sources, to assist the Parish Council’s, District Council and Private Landlords to respond to any planning proposal that may come forward for additional housing within the Parishes.


The attached report details findings and recommendations. The report was shared at the time with Cotswold District Council and the National Trust.