National Trust Q&A – Monday the 8th

Each month the Parish Council meets with the National Trust to receive updates on a number of topics including housing and landscape. Notes are taken and then published along with the Parish Council’s regular meeting minutes.

The next PC/NT update meeting is on Monday the 8th.

If you have any questions you would like to table, please email If you would like to remain anonymous, just mention that in your email and your details will not be shared with the Trust

Best wishes

Policy EN18 Sherborne Parish Council/National Trust/CDC Correspondence

Policy EN18 Sherborne Parish Council/National Trust/CDC Correspondence

Following submission of our collective feedback to CDC during early April, we have received progress updates from CDC and the National Trust.

Please see the attached email exchanges for reference. Essentially, CDC have reiterated their commitment to community engagement and involvement in the shaping of proposed Policy EN18, whilst the National Trust have concluded it would be inappropriate to provide formal feedback at this stage.

The PC will of course continue to represent your views, so do please email ‘’ with your thoughts and suggestions.

The contact details of related stakeholders include: (James Brain has moved from CDC)

Don’t forget. Changes to Sherborne’s general waste and recycling collection day.

Good morning. Isn’t it good to see some sunshine at long last.

Just a reminder of the change to our general waste and recycling collection day. It looks as if it will be Tuesday for the whole of Sherborne, but please use the link below to check as some parts of the Parish may differ.

Check your collection day – Cotswold District Council


National Trust proposal for CDC funding

Sherborne PC was recently invited by the National Trust to discuss an opportunity for funding for Sherborne Estate from Cotswold District Council (funding info here), and we now request comment from Sherborne residents.

Albeit relatively small scale funding (bids capped at £50k), this conversation represents progress for our collective efforts to ensure that village opinion can be heard and considered by the Trust. We encourage you all to engage with the feedback process. It is taxpayers’ money, after all.

Key Considerations

NT would like to have feedback on its SANG bid proposal, as well as to hear any alternative ideas that would fit the funding criteria.

Please use this form to submit your feedback. All responses will be treated in confidence and the form can be submitted anonymously, if preferred.

Please complete your response by the end of Monday 20th May. This will allow time for comments to be reviewed with NT, in preparation for the 31st May bid submission deadline.

All feedback will be recorded and considered for the future, regardless of the outcome of this particular funding decision.

Background information

The funding – CDC Cotswold Beechwoods Special Area of Conservation (SAC) Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace Fund (SANG)- is available to support a wider “recreation mitigation strategy” to prevent further damage caused by excessive public use of the Cotswold Beechwood area. Sherborne is therefore relevant to the funding as an alternative Cotswold greenspace for Beechwoods SAC visitors to use instead.

The Sherborne NT team was successful with a £26,000 award from this fund in 2023 (plus £10k NT budget), with which they made improvements at Ewe Pens (entrance drive and car park resurfacing, improved visitor way-marking and interpretation, the provision of 10 benches, secure cycle storage, improvements and repairs to existing track).

The NT proposal for a 2024 bid is for c. £30k  CDC funding, plus £15k from NT budget (£45k total allocation). Proposed deliverables are outlined as improvements to Sabrina Way Bridleway from the Water Meadows car park to the Flyfishers’ car park, improvements to the footpath between Sherborne and Windrush, as well as potential improvements to the foot bridges / way-markings in this area.

We look forward to receiving your feedback by Monday May 20th and thank you in advance.

Great breakfast, great charity, great Sunday morning

Sherborne village hall & social club charity BIG breakfast.

Sunday 12 May, 10:00am to midday. 

£10 per person.

Supporting Sunflower Suicide Support.

Message from Sherborne Club


The Club will now be open every Sunday from 2pm to 5pm (ish!).

Once again many thanks to all our volunteers, we always need more, so don’t be backward at coming forward to help your community!!

Sherborne Fun Run & Five Miler – Sunday 12 May

All-terrain run through beautiful parkland. Fun run starts 10am & 5-Miler starts 11 am  Medals for all – great prizes for category winners.

Both charity races start from Sherborne C of E Primary School, GL54 3DH.

Check out Sherborne Run Facebook and Instagram for updates.

Entries via Race Nation or



Formal Policy EN18 consultation response to CDC, 7 April 2024

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback to the Parish Council. Responses range from a couple of short paragraphs, to detailed multi-page documents. It is all very valuable and greatly appreciated.

The document is the collective response to Cotswold District Council (CDC). It extends to nearly 50 pages and should leave CDC and the National Trust (NT) in no doubt as to the level of community interest in what proposed Policy EN18 seeks to achieve, and of course, what the NT are proposing as part of a future NT Masterplan.

In the meantime, thanks again and do please keep in touch. The CDC/NT process ahead will have its inevitable highs and lows, and will undoubtedly be sprinkled with frustration. But, as we have seen over the last few weeks, our communities are passionate about the environment within which we live, work, and socialise.

Click here for more information and to review the documentFormal Policy EN18 consultation response to CDC, 7 April 2024 – Sherborne Parish Council

CDC Local Plan/NT Masterplan – we have just a few days left to provide feedback to CDC

Cotswold District Local Plan Update Consultation Executive Summary and Consultation Instructions and Questions

14-1-1-executive-summary-consultation-instructions-and-questions-feb-2024 v2 (

See page 26 for Policy EN18 and Page 3 for feedback instructions.

Views on the Local Plan can be given on the Council’s digital engagement site until 7 April. Visit CDC Local Plan Policy EN18 feedback  and click the ‘Take the survey’ button.


CDC has listed a number of criteria for public comment as part of the Local Plan consultation and are listed below. CDC is keen to hear our views on the criteria below. It may be straightforward to copy the text below and write in your thoughts item by item.

Criteria for public comment (by 7 April)

What do you think of these? Are additional criteria required? This is your opportunity to influence things.

A National Trust Masterplan for Sherborne Estate should include:

  1. Comprise a vision and objectives;
  2. Describe and assess the landscape, ecological, historic environment, and other significant assets of the Estate;
  3. Maximise opportunities for sustainable travel to and through the Estate, ensuring maximum inclusive access to nature and the countryside and to the historic environment;
  4. Demonstrate how increased recreational access can be achieved without compromising the environmental characteristics of the Estate and adversely affecting the local community;
  5. Set out an interpretation and education framework for the Estate, including potential outreach proposals;
  6. Ensure that the character of the parkland setting and the wider AONB are enhanced;
  7. Set out proposals for the retention of existing and the creation of new habitats that will deliver strategic scale nature recovery;
  8. Explore opportunities for the generation of renewable energy within the Estate;
  9. Describe how farming enterprises will benefit from the Masterplan and continue to operate within the Estate;
  10. Include a phasing programme for the construction, reuse or demolition of existing redundant buildings, new buildings, and infrastructure within the site;
  11. Explore opportunities for small scale rural affordable housing or low-cost housing to support those employed by the Estate to support the management of the Estate; and
  12. Describe how the local community and relevant stakeholders have influenced the masterplan and how they can continue to be involved in shaping the Estate.


Please feel free to share your thoughts with the PC via Any representations received will be included within the PC’s ongoing lobbying activity.

You may also wish to contact the relevant District Council representatives:

Please copy any representations you make to the District Council to

18th March CDC/NT briefing meeting

The Parish Council hosted a Cotswold District Council (CDC) Local Plan/National Trust (NT) Masterplan briefing meeting on Monday 18th March.

We were joined by representatives from Windrush, Clapton, Farmington, and Aldsworth Parish Councils. Additionally, Sherborne TANT, Sherborne Brook Support Group, and Sherborne House/Stables were also represented. Circa 25 people.

James Brain (CDC Head of Planning) and Andrew Danson (NT ‘Big Nature Better Access’ Project Manager) kindly gave short presentations and took questions from the floor.

The meeting was very useful and added further understanding to the consultation process relating to CDC proposed Policy EN18. The purpose of the policy is to define the things that a future NT Estate Masterplan should take account of and include. It is not the Masterplan itself.

Do have a look through the meeting documents and please remember to provide your feedback to CDC before 7 April (CDC Local Plan Policy EN18 feedback and click the ‘Take the survey’ button).

Click here to see the slides and meeting notes: 18th March CDC/NT briefing meeting