Sherborne grass verge management survey – please take part

Many Parishioners have shared their views (at Parish Council meetings, via email, and general conversation) on how Sherborne’s grass verges should be managed throughout the year.

Some prefer to see all the verges within the 30 mph signs cut on a regular basis, whilst some are keen to see a ‘more natural look’ throughout the year. Many have complimented the recent grass trimming work conducted by the National Trust.

As 2025 is upon us, and before too long we will start to see the first signs of Spring, it’s timely to add a more empirical view to the debate. This short and simple to complete questionnaire is intended to provide everyone with an opportunity to share their ideas. Please have a read and return your completed questionnaire by 14 March via the returns box in the Village Shop, or simply take a photo of it and email it to any Parish Councillor (Councillors – Sherborne Parish Council).

A copy of the questionnaire will be delivered to all Sherborne residents over the next few days. Copies are also available in the Village Shop.

Please click here for more information – Verge management – Sherborne Parish Council

The summary report will be made available to all Sherborne Parish residents, the County Council, and relevant local landowners. Any subsequent actions/plans will be discussed at future Parish Council meetings to which all Parish residents are always welcome.

Thank you in advance for your participation

Daily Telegraph: National Trust management of Sherborne’s ‘let estate’ in the news

Fury as National Trust ‘lets historic cottages crumble in Gloucestershire village of Sherborne’ – Daily Telegraph

PC request for proposed CDC Policy EN18 community consultation update – 20 January 2025

At the NT/CDC Policy EN18 briefing meeting held at the Social Club (18 March 2024), Cotswold District Council committed to convene regular Policy EN18 community consultation meetings.

Earlier this week, the Parish Council wrote to CDC asking for a progress update. A copy of the email is here –

PC request for proposed CDC Policy EN18 community consultation update – 20 January 2025 – Sherborne Parish Council

Replies will be posted as soon as they are received.

PC request for National Trust Sherborne Estate Development community consultation update – 22 January 2025

At the NT/CDC Policy EN18 briefing meeting held at the Social Club (18 March 2024), the National Trust committed to convene regular Estate Development Plan community consultation meetings.

Earlier this week, the Parish Council wrote the National Trust asking for a progress update. A copy of the email and the proposed terms of reference are here –

PC request for Sherborne estate Plan consultation update – 22 January 2025 – Sherborne Parish Council

Replies will be posted as soon as they are received.

Cotswold District Council cabinet reshuffle

Leader of Cotswold District Council, Cllr Joe Harris, has announced a reshaped leadership team to drive forward the Council’s top priorities.

The newly appointed, seven-member Cabinet will save local taxpayers approximately £8,000 per year while delivering on key commitments.

This change follows the decision by Cllr Lisa Spivey to step back from her Cabinet role and Cllr Tony Dale’s choice to focus on his recovery after a recent car accident. Both Cllr Spivey and Cllr Dale have been instrumental in their roles over the past five years, and Cllr Harris extended his gratitude for their hard work and dedication.

“We’re immensely grateful to Lisa and Tony for their commitment and many achievements,” said Cllr Harris. “Lisa has overseen the development of hundreds of affordable homes for local people and has taken a strong stand in holding water companies to account on the sewage scandal affecting our community. Tony has driven our economic growth strategy, creating 500 new jobs in the district. We look forward to welcoming him back to the Cabinet once he’s fully recovered.”

The newly structured Cabinet is designed to bring fresh perspectives and renewed focus to essential council priorities, including ensuring that there is an infrastructure first approach to new development, more genuinely affordable homes are delivered, new jobs are created in the district and that residents are supported through the on-going cost of living crisis.

The Cabinet roles are now as follows:

  • Leader: Joe Harris
  • Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Finance and Transformation: Mike Evemy
  • Climate Change and Sustainability: Mike McKeown
  • Housing and Planning: Juliet Layton
  • Economy and Environment: Tristan Wilkinson
  • Communities: Claire Bloomer
  • Health, Culture, and Visitor Experience: Paul Hodgkinson

Cllr Harris welcomed new Cabinet Member Cllr Tristan Wilkinson, who brings considerable experience in helping organisations improve. “This team combines a wealth of experience with fresh energy,” said Cllr Harris. “This streamlined cabinet means we’re laser focused on our key priorities and ensures that every decision reflects our mission to make the Cotswolds and even better place to live, work and visit.”

Councillor Joe Harris reshuffles Cotswold District Council cabinet | Cotswold District Council News

Latest National Trust monthly update

Each month the Parish Council receives National Trust updates covering a number of topics including housing and landscape (including ‘Big Access, Better Nature’). Copies of the updates are here – Monthly National Trust updates – Sherborne Parish Council

If you have questions you would like the PC to ask on your behalf, please email

If you would like to remain anonymous, just mention that in your email and your details will not be shared with the NT.

Midsummer Mystery!

As part of St Peter’s Church (Windrush) fund raising activities, Roger Davies gave a fascinating presentation on his local landscape discoveries. The presentation was recorded and is now available to view via YouTube. It’s well worth a look. Roger has uncovered many aspects of our surroundings which have gone unnoticed for perhaps hundreds of years.

Click here: Midsummer Mystery by Roger Davies

Please feel free to forward to others.

In the meantime, Roger publishes regular email updates on his research and various nature observations/news. To subscribe, simply email Roger at


Thank you Derek – New village notice boards

Derek Elliott, from Elliott and Co, has very kindly donated two smart new, oak notice boards to Sherborne village.

The Parish Council Notice Board is located opposite Sherborne Village Shop and the General Village Notice Board sits opposite the Bourton Road crossroads and can be used free of charge by anyone in the community to promote and advertise events and local businesses.

Derek’s company, based in Sherborne for over 40 years, undertakes a wide variety of projects for private individuals and institutions including bespoke furniture, kitchens, libraries, sculpture as well as alters for churches and furniture for world famous institutions including the Ashmolean and Oxford Colleges.

Derek’s local team of three highly experienced joiners are immensely skilled, take huge pride in their work, and are always pleased to discuss projects of any size.

Pictured here: Derek Elliott, Managing Director of Elliott and Co, ‘Out of The Wood’, presenting the keys to the Parish Council Notice Board to Yvonne Blankley, Parish Council Chair.


Elliott and Co.

Sherborne Gardens, Sherborne, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 3DW

01451 844 448 / 07771 707 178

Grass verge maintenance

A big thank you to everyone who volunteered to help maintain the grass verges at the Bourton Road crossroads. They look great. Thank you also to the National Trust for organising things and picking one of the very few rain free days.

The year round condition of the verges throughout the village was a topic of conversation at July’s Parish Council Annual Meeting with some attendees preferring to see all the verges within the 30mph signs cut on a regular basis, whilst some were keen to see a ‘more natural’ look.

Over the next few weeks the Parish Council will be surveying the community to help establish a shared view as to how our grass verges should be managed. Please look out for the questionnaire.

In the meantime, thanks again to everyone who helped last Sunday.




Affordable public workspace for local businesses in Cirencester

Cotswold District Council is offering a unique opportunity for local businesses and freelancers to secure affordable, centrally located office space at their recently transformed Trinity Road offices:

Council Launches Affordable Public Workspace for Local Businesses in Cirencester | Cotswold District Council News