18th March CDC/NT briefing meeting

The Parish Council hosted a Cotswold District Council (CDC) Local Plan/National Trust (NT) Masterplan briefing meeting on Monday 18th March.

We were joined by representatives from Windrush, Clapton, Farmington, and Aldsworth Parish Councils. Additionally, Sherborne TANT, Sherborne Brook Support Group, and Sherborne House/Stables were also represented. Circa 25 people.

James Brain (CDC Head of Planning) and Andrew Danson (NT ‘Big Nature Better Access’ Project Manager) kindly gave short presentations and took questions from the floor.

The meeting was very useful and added further understanding to the consultation process relating to CDC proposed Policy EN18. The purpose of the policy is to define the things that a future NT Estate Masterplan should take account of and include. It is not the Masterplan itself.

Do have a look through the meeting documents and please remember to provide your feedback to CDC before 7 April (CDC Local Plan Policy EN18 feedback and click the ‘Take the survey’ button).

Click here to see the slides and meeting notes: 18th March CDC/NT briefing meeting